The Conflict Resolution Plan is a part in a bigger Plan For Student Care at the school. This plan also consist of a rather detailed description of each school personals responsibilities regarding the Student Care and how to deal with bullying and the work for the students sense of security (preventive anti bullying work).
Violence and fighting
Foto: Anita Hogeborn Kullander
Between students:
Urge the students to stop.
Go to them and stand there until they have calmed down.
Go between. Keep the students apart from each other - if you think you can handle it.
Get help from other adults. If you can not leave the place ask an other student to call for nearest adult.
Disperse any curious students. Urge them to go to their classrooms.
Lead if any injured student to the school nurse, or ask someone to go and fetch her.
It is expected that you as an adult always helps and actively asks “Do you need my help” .
Do not intervene if you think you might get hurt. In that case go and get some more help.
Call the police if the fight does not end.
While waiting for help or the police watch, witness and take photos if possible.
Students not involved in the conflict
Protect students not involved.
Prevent other students to get involved. All adults must actively help to keep students away from the conflict
The students shall be kept inside the classroom.
The teachers must not leave their students and must keep all students in the classroom.
The students must be given opportunity to talk about what happened - “crisis dialogue” “debriefing”.
Conflict Resolution
The purpose is mainly that the students will be on good terms with each other and able to meet again without conflict. Hopefully they will also get an empathic understanding of each others reactions. The adult that leads the conflict resolution is not taking the role of a judge only helping the two parties to communicate.
Smaller conflicts:
Foto: Anita Hogeborn Kullander
Talk to the students, preferably together if possible.
Listen and take notes of what is said.
Help them to sort out what caused the conflict. Ask questions to clarify their experiences respectively about what happened. It is important that they listen to each others experience of the incident.
The students is supposed to get insight of what caused the conflict and come to an agreement as to a solution.
The students are told to tell their parents about what happened
The parents are contacted the same evening (or as soon as possible)
More serious conflicts:
The parent is always given information
The parent is called to the school to join in the conflict resolution
If it is going to be a report to the police, the police will do the investigation.
No conflict resolution will then take place.
All Conflict Resolutions:
If you need to leave your class or group, ask a colleague to help to take care of you students
If that is not possible contact the head masters office which will help you.
One should ask another adult to help and take care of the conflict resolution if you are not neutral in the conflict.
Inform the mentors of the students.
Documentation of the occurred is important. Write down what happened. The memory is shorter than one thinks and it is important to have a clear picture of the incident.
Follow up the incident by talking with the students and reassure that they are at terms with each other.
Conflict between adult and student:
Over all it is the same as with conflicts between students with the following addition:
At violence/conflict between student and adult the students parents should always be present at the conflict resolution.
The head master leads the conflict resolution
The adult is offered to talk with a member of the “crisis group” or with a person that he/she have confidence in.
The adult is offered the possibility to go home and a substitute is arranged.
If needed he/she is urged to see the Employers Health Care Services.
The head master or some one from the “crisis group” contacts the adult the same evening
The incident is reported to “the person responsible for employers safety at work” and the employers secretary at the community office.
Whenever applicable a report of injury is done. A form for this can be brought at the head masters office.
The student is parted from the lessons the rest of the day.
The parents are called to the school.
The student is accompanied by an adult in waiting for the parent to arrive.
The head master is partaking in the dialogue with the student, his/hers parents and the adult of the conflict.
If Conflict Resolution is not taking place the same day as the conflict, the head master is responsible to arrange for such a dialogue as soon as possible.
The student informs their parents
Foto: Anita Hogeborn Kullander
It is important that each student is given possibility to, in his/her own way, tell the parents about the occurred. It is not the meaning that the parents should have a chock via the telephone. This is often causing a severe state of defense which might cause difficulties to communicate.
The home is contacted the same evening
The school is particular about cooperation with the parents regarding the students. That is why it is important to as soon as possible contact them and inform them about what happened and what the school have done so far. The school is then cooperating with the parents around eventually other measures.
Everyone that in different ways have been involved or witnessed the conflict should in writing document what was seen and done in connection the incident. Documentation is important since it is easier than one thinks to forget what happened. It also is a very good way of to one self repeat what occurred and work through the incident.
Following up
Follow up the incident by talking to the students to reassure that they are at terms with each other. Eventually their parents are contacted too for following up.
Report to the police whenever applicable
The affected or his/her parents decides if they will make a report to the police or not. The school makes a report on severe damage, theft and the likes, that is - a report on what happened. The police is then investigating the guilt.